Welcome to Evolutionary Biology

Welcome to Evolutionary Biology

Evolution is a wonderful topic, and it’s my great honor to be your teacher through this coarse. This document, or collection of documents, code, images, and ramblings will serve as our major source of written material during the term.


These course notes come from two major sources during my own education. The first is David Rand’s excellent Evolutionary Biology course at Brown University, where I first became enamored with the idea of becoming an evolutionary biologist. Some of the materials in these notes are drawn directly from David’s notes. The second major source of my notes is from my Ph.D. advisor John Gillespie’s course in population genetics, which I took as a first year graduate student. John was a masterful teacher and it is ever my goal to be convey a fraction of the clarity for mathematical population genetics that he did. Some of the materials in these notes are drawn from John’s own introduction to popgen.